TemanTeman.org Launch Press ConferencePost by Yahoo Singapore.
Diana, Carmen get tested for HIV/AIDS KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 25, 2014: Actress and model Diana Danielle and Carmen Soo had themselves tested for HIV/AIDS today when they threw their weight behind a new initiative to arrest the “alarming” growth in the number of such cases in Malaysia. Diana said she was inspired to help promote TemanTeman.org as she believed it represented an important resource center for HIV/AIDS in the country. “When I was studying scriptwriting in Australia, I read a book about one of the first persons to contract HIV. It gave me a very personal insight into the life, struggles and insecurities of HIV patients. Because of that I feel I have a duty to speak out and raise awareness about HIV and the recent scientific breakthroughs. “There are many things people don't know about the disease, and we need to share that living with HIV is not the end of a normal life, she said. Carmen felt TemanTeman.org's goal of spreading awareness to get the public tested is important as many people did not even know they were HIV positive. “When I met the team of TemanTeman.org, I was appalled that I knew little about HIV/AIDS, especially when I consider myself a well-read person. So I decided to be proactive and help them spread this awareness,” she said. She also said she knew of an acquaintance who is HIV positive and had previously visited some homes of protected women, some of whom and their children were HIV positive. “It’s a reality check, and a scary thing to see, really,” said Carmen. Adding to this, Diana said most people in Malaysia would not want to share such information due to the stigma attached to the disease. Hence, she said she will blog, tweet and even facebook her involvement to spread awareness on the dangers of HIV/AIDS “because it expresses my serious commitment to the campaign”. Both Diana and Carmen said their ultimate objective of getting involved was to spread the word among their friends and fans so that they can help reduce the rate of HIV infection in Malaysia. And besides, its costs nothing to do so but brings lots of benefits. Diana encouraged Malaysians, especially youths aged between 20 and 30 years to undergo a HIV test. “You owe it to yourself to know if you are HIV positive … It's not so that people can seclude you from society. Rather it empowers you to take responsibility so that you do not infect others,” she said. Carmen said with her involvement, she hoped to influence her fans will undergo the HIV test and take precautions if found to be positive. “That would be the responsible thing to do,” she said. Echoing her views, Diana added that early detection is one of the best ways to treat any disease. “HIV is no exception, and especially so as it’s still a disease with no cure. Getting tested and living a responsible and healthy life is paramount to prevent the spread of HIV. Let’s help our society to be a healthier one.” -End- Organized by: Purple Haze Asia University Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC) Department of Infectious Diseases Centre of Excellence for Research in AIDS (CERiA) Project Created by: Purple Haze Asia Official Sponsors ViiV Healthcare amfAR - the Foundation for AIDS Research TREAT Asia (Therapeutics Research, Education, and AIDS Training in Asia) Official PR Partner: essence Burson-Marsteller Official Photographer: Bustamam Mokhtar For further inquiries, please contact: TemanTeman.org |